Have you defined success for the program?
It’s more than just measurability, because even in this era of Big Data there’s more than a little mystique to marketing communications. Whether you call it “flair” or just luck, it’s part of the mix. Success should be defined by metrics, but given dimension with those aspects that will give management satisfying feedback; reinforcing a sense of a good investment of corporate resources.
The metrics may be as simple as the number of qualified leads generated, but often your metrics will have to track a complex market situation as it unfolds. There may be competitive dimensions or subjective appraisals -- e.g., the “tone” of media coverage and social network traffic regarding a particular issue or company situation. Soft or hard, you need metrics to support the larger reality of the campaign’s goals.
What are the levers that will help you move the market?
Every market segment has a unique blend of them, based on the customer archetypes and purchasing preferences. Does your program touch all the bases? A Wise Counsel review will help you confirm the right mix of program elements to achieve the program goals – or offer supplemental recommendations.
How are current program results linked to future actions?
Communications is most effective when it is part of a rational, observable arc. Any one program needs to be linked to those that preceded and to those that follow. Even if they are not.
This is not a cynical appraisal, but an experienced understanding that any communications ought to be be seen as a way to make each investment more valuable.
Is the program consistent with the “voice” of the company?
Situational campaigns run a particular risk of breaking out of character and establishing dangerous precedents in the marketplace. Brand personality is an important ingredient in effective communications, particularly in the rapidly shifting sands of a socially-networked marketplace.
Is the program resourced for success?
Finally, at a very practical level, are you giving your campaign a fighting chance achieve its goals, or have you hobbled it with an insufficient budget or senior staff resources? The outcome of each can undermine program effectiveness. The same can result from inappropriate or incomplete external resources. Avoiding such unintended consequences is one of the high-value benefits of a Wise Counsel program review.